Software Quality Assurance Model for Software Excellence with Its Requirements

Author (s)

  • Syed Zaffar Iqbal
  • Prof. Urwa Javed
  • Dr. Shakeel Ahmed Roshan, Department of Computer Science, Alhamd Islamic University, Pakistan


Software Quality Assurance (SQA), Software Requirement, Software Quality Model.

Paper Details

  • Paper ID: UIJRTV1I10005
  • Published in: Volume : 01 Issue : 01
  • Publication Date: 16/08/2019
  • Page(s): 39-43


The authenticity and entanglement of software is being escalated from step by step, the software value promise must be made to create stability among efficiency and quality. The exercise of seeking software measurement to a software procedure is a multiplex function that demands research and directions which conduct knowledge of the estimation of the process in respects to attaining the objectives. In this research paper, we have advocated a new software quality framework/model to experience the contrary factors that modify the quality of the software. Moreover, it increases the productivity of the software as a designer and implementer face the difficulty in the software system.  This framework/model shows how to deliver secure, trustworthy and quality product to initiate, by providing all the aspects by transforming software efficiency and quality.
